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12th Avenue Iron Catalog

The founding partners of 12th Avenue Iron, Stephen Marks and Mark Christiansen, joined forces in 2004 and have since grown the company into a team of ten full-time metal artists and craftsmen. We design, build, and install custom architectural metalwork, sculpture, and furniture for commercial, residential, and public environments. Our clients include architects and designers, builders, corporations, universities, private customers, and public artists.

We specialize in large-scale projects requiring unique engineering solutions and ingenious approaches to fabrication and joinery, working with a wide variety of metals that include steel, stainless steel, bronze, copper and aluminum. As a team, we bring together broad and deep experience in metalworking—forging, welding, fabrication, casting, machining, and high-end finishing—and our working relationships with other professional artists and craftspeople allow us to integrate blown and cast glass, wood, stone, and other materials into our projects.


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