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Itoki Catalog

Itoki Corporation manufactures and sells office furniture. It offers workstation systems, desks, low partitions, office and conference chairs, tables, etc.; office building internal materials, movable and fixed walls, security equipment, factory and logistics equipment, and research facility equipment; and study desks and chairs, study and SOHO furniture, furniture and fixtures repairs, and maintenance of various types of equipment, etc. The company also creates various environments that envelop people, including public and educational facilities, medical and welfare institutions, and personal spaces; and provides free-access floors, movable and mobile partitions. In addition, it offers light, medium, and heavy weight shelving; movable shelves; storage and transportation equipment; and picking and sorting equipment, automated warehouse equipment, stockers, rotating rack, and conveyors. Itoki Corporation was founded in 1890 and is headquartered in Osaka, Japan.


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