The Eleventh Session of the World Urban Forum (WUF11) will take place in Katowice, Poland from 26 to 30 June 2022. Held every two years, the World Urban Forum is the premier global conference on urbanization convened by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat). It brings together a wide range of participants from around the world to discuss major urban challenges facing the world today.
ICLEI is holding a training event at the World Urban Forum, which will familiarize participants with local tools for a fair and inclusive transition and will see the launch of a guidebook.
Training summary
To support fair and inclusive transitions, ICLEI collaborated with cities from different world regions under the Urban Transitions Alliance project to create a methodology that allows to map the social equity outcomes of local plans across three dimensions: access, participation and opportunity. For each dimension, tools and recommendations for action were identified, as well as indicators to monitor progress and best practices from cities of the ICLEI network to learn from. An initial version of this methodology was tested with the City of Turku as part of the Circular Turku project.
These learnings are currently being compiled into a guidebook which will be published during the World Urban Forum. This training offers a run through of the methodologies included in this guidebook.
Objectives of the training
This training aims at equipping city practitioners with the following skills:
- Mapping social risks and opportunities associated with sustainability programs and initiatives at the local level;
- Learning about and applying concrete tools and policy recommendations to support social equity in such programs and mitigate risks;
- Identifying suitable indicators to monitor social impacts over time in a holistic manner.
Training on Local tools for a fair and inclusive transitionType
June 30, 2022 09:00 AMUntil
June 30, 2022 11:00 AMVenue
World Urban Forum 11, Katowice, Room TBCAddress