How do designers think? How do they visually communicate complex ideas? What strategies do they employ to make a positive impact on the built environment? How does design change the way people see and experience the world?
The College of Environmental Design offers several introductory and advanced summer programs for those interested in exploring these questions in the fields of architecture, landscape architecture and environmental planning, urban design and sustainable city planning.
Join us for live info sessions and hear from directors, faculty and alumni from all three CED Summer programs:
currently enrolled college students
Wednesday February 10, 2:30PM pacific time
REGISTER HERE: https://forms.gle/Px3yq6u7kev4APFJ7
embARC Summer Design Academy
high school students
Tuesday February 9, 3:00PM pacific time
REGISTER HERE: https://forms.gle/1XnyyGQp267PNVf78
Summer [IN]STITUTE in Environmental Design
junior/senior level undergrads, post-baccalaureates
Wednesday February 10, 11:00AM pacific time
REGISTER HERE: https://forms.gle/8f9SKmnB996hAiH2A
More information about each program can be found here: https://ced.berkeley.edu/academics/summer-programs.
UC Berkeley College of Environmental Design // Summer Programs Info SessionType
February 09, 2021 03:00 PMUntil
February 10, 2021 03:00 PMVenue