London Based Debbie Flevotomou Architects is bringing together the highest calibre judges for a prestigious student competition in St. James Mayfair.
Debbie Flevotomou Architects are working on a project “THINK NATURE – St. James Mayfair – City of Tomorrow”, and is bringing together the highest calibre judges for an architectural design student competition.
The design competition is open to all architectural students of all levels and it aims to raise awareness for sustainability and Smart Cities. It will run for two weeks in February with winning entries announced in March. The winning entries will be taken through to the second stage of the project.
Judges include top level representatives from Grosvenor, the Mayfair Business Association, First Base Development and other sustainability experts from top UK and European organisations.
The competition is part of a larger masterplan which involves local businesses and residents’ communities and other local stakeholders and aims to work towards the Zero Carbon Emission Government target.
The site is located at the East Edge of St. James and is calling for innovative ideas showcasing how the traditional fabric can be combined with a new design and how a Smart City can be incorporated in a conservation area.
Marina Zouni, from Debbie Flevotomou Architects said: “The student competition is the first stage of this project. During the second stage we will be approaching commercial partners and the council with the aim of realising the design. The government target is upon us and unless we take action now, it will soon be too late. We aim to make this study a source of pioneering design to be used in other parts of London and other cities.”
Timing & entry requirements: The competition opens on 1 February 2021, with a deadline for questions 8 February 2021. The deadline for submissions is 22 February 2021 at noon.
The competition is open to all architectural students irrespective of level or country of origin.
Students can submit their work individually or as part of a team. There is a nominal entry fee of £20+VAT for individual entries and £40+VAT for entries of teams of two or more students.
Prizes: At the first stage of the project the winning entries will be celebrated with an exhibition in a prestigious London venue around June 2021 (subject to government guidelines). The award ceremony will be covered by local, national and international press. The top winning entry will be awarded £1,000.
Additionally, all finalists will benefit from interacting with our great panel of judges and other stakeholders, having a unique opportunity to raise their profile, gain insight and associate with the very best.
The second stage of the project aims to have the design build at some location subject to stakeholders buying in. The winner, individual or team will be involved all the way.
For more information on how to take part visit:
Download the information related to this competition here.
Architectural Student Competition - THINK NATURE - City of TomorrowType
Competition Announcement (Student Competitions)Website
Submission Deadline
February 27, 2021 12:00 PMVenue
St. James, Mayfair, LondonPrice
£20+VAT for individuals, £40+VAT for teams