The Architecture Et cetera Lab is launching a call for proposals to be included in The City to You Think Tank. The call seeks proposals for design works to be presented at a Round Table Event co-ordinated by the Architecture Et cetera Lab (Griffith University, Australia) and the Design Institute of Australia and further disseminated through a professional design publication.
The City to You Think Tank aims to compile creative responses to the COVID-19 imposed self-isolation measures currently affecting the world at large. It seeks to open up a multi-disciplinary conversation about the issues related to the residential built environment of our homes, particularly in relation to the building envelope and the notion of bringing the city to the individual.
The aim of the discussion is to investigate the residential space with a new lens. The proposed discussion offers the opportunity to reflect critically on how the residential domain is occupied and inhabited and what can be considered essential moving forward in a post-pandemic world.
More information about the Think Tank can be found here Selected entries will be discussed at the Round Table event which will take place on Wednesday, September 30th 2020.
Entries can be made via the Architecture Et cetera Lab website.
Download the information related to this competition here.
Call for Proposals: The City to You Think TankType
Call for SubmissionsWebsite
Submission Deadline
August 28, 2020 11:00 PMPrice