Proposal deadline: June 15, 2017
Conference date: October 31st- November 1st.
We are pleased to inform you that DEARQ Journal of Architecture, adscribed to Universidad de los Andes, Colombia, is organizing an International Symposium, and preparing a special issue on the role of women in architecture across the globe and in Colombia.
Authors of full‐length papers, research-in-progress papers and case studies relating to women in architecture, are invited to submit proposals for 15 minute papers for the International Symposium organized by the indexed and peer reviewed Journal of Architecture dearq from Universidad de los Andes.
With local, regional, and global contributions - in Spanish, English and Portuguese - Journal of Architecture dearq is presenting a call for papers to enrich the discussion about women in architecture today. We are looking for contributions on a range of topics including: the status of women in architecture schools and in the profession; obstacles created by the glass ceiling and the sticky floor phenomena; women’s / feminist architecture organizations; conferences on women in architecture; historical involvement of women in the practice; the current state of scholarship with regard to women and gender in the discipline; women’s contributions in fields beyond architectural design; gender-based design; and feminist theory.
Important Deadlines:
June 15, 2017: Last date for submitting abstracts. Submissions will be evaluated by an appointed Committee composed by dearq representatives.
June 30, 2017: Notification of paper’s acceptance to authors.
August 30, 2017: Last date for complete papers meant for oral presentations.
31st of October, 2017 - November 1st, 2017: International Symposium: Women in Architecture, Mario Laserna Auditorium, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia.
More information: dearq.uniandes.edu.co / dearq@uniandes.edu.co
Download the information related to this event here.
CALL FOR PAPERS International Symposium: Women in ArchitectureType
June 15, 2017 12:00 AMUntil
June 15, 2017 12:00 AMVenue
Bogota, ColombiaAddress