The Ville de Montréal (City of Montreal, Qc, Canada) is launching an international competition for the design of worksite information modules.
The purpose of the modules—prototypes of which will be installed in summer 2017 on three specific sites—is to mitigate the adverse impacts of worksites on the quality of life of residents and the economic vitality of surrounding areas.
Although these transitions are essential steps in the renewal of cities for the 21st century, worksites are disruptive both to the economic activities of business communities and to the daily lives of citizens.
This competition invites members of the international design community to reflect on the topic of the worksite information module as a mitigation tool and communications platform to assist users in understanding the construction/rehabilitation work in progress.
This design competition is of international scope and held in two stages: the first involving anonymous proposals and the second involving service offerings submitted by a maximum of four finalists chosen by a jury.
This Competition in figures:
$10,000 for each finalist to develop their idea
$47,000 for the winner to complete the project
$50,000 for the prototypes
Visit the website for eligibility and to obtain the competition rules.
Better Insight, Onsite: International Design Competition for the Creation of Worksite Information ModulesType
Competition Announcement (Built Projects & Masterplans)Website
Submission Deadline
December 01, 2016 12:00 PMVenue
City of MontrealPrice