Workshop of the 3rd Architecture Week near zero energy buildings, towards energy communities, set in Barcelona , Spain.
Workshop Outline
1- Existing definitions for nearly zero-energy buildings in the Member State :
- Identification of existing concepts for (nearly) zero-energy buildings.
- Development of a comparative taxonomy.
- Practical application of the nearly zero-energy definition.
2- National plans for increasing the number of nearly zero-energy (or beyond) buildings :
- Identification of existing plans.
- Analysis of existing plans.
- Identification of common elements and recommendations for a harmonized reporting format.
3- Benchmarks for nearly zero-energy buildings for different European climate zones and analytical framework for assessing national plans and definitions :
- Development of representative benchmarks for nearly zero-energy buildings.
- Analytical framework for analyzing national plans.
4- Analysis of the link and consistency between the definition of nearly zero-energy performance of buildings and the cost-optimal levels of minimum energy performance requirements :
- Assessment of technological and cost gap (new buildings).
- Assessment of technological and cost gap (existing buildings).
- Identification of the particular role of renewable energy technologies.
- Specifics around maximum contribution of renewable energy.
- See more at: http://www.ierek.com/events/3rd-architecture-week/#workshop-outline
3rd Architecture WeekType
February 06, 2017 09:00 AMUntil
February 10, 2017 05:00 PMVenue