The application period for two postgraduate architecture design programs at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) is currently open. The university offers a Master in Advanced Studies in Collective Housing MCH, which is the first double degree program between UPM and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ), and a Master in City Sciences MCS, which aims to convert its students into experts on smart cities.
The Master in City Sciences is also organizing the 2016 International Conference in City Sciences in Santiago, Chile on June 16th and 17th, following the success of last year’s conference in Shanghai, China.
Learn more about each program after the break.
Application Period Open
The Master of Advanced Studies in Collective Housing is a postgraduate professional programme of advanced architecture design focused on housing, city and energy studies. The value of this unique programme lies in its excellent and practice-oriented synthesis of design with integrated disciplines and theoretical issues of dwelling and housing.
Students from all nations are trained in city dwelling specialties and have demonstrated a high professional level, making important contributions in research projects, winning competitions or taking leadership roles in the most relevant architecture firms.

The programme has always been committed to the highest level of excellence, combining teachers of international prestige and a thorough participant selection process in order to make the best out of this course. In the past years, the programme has built a close relationship with great architects such as Dietmar Eberle, Felix Claus, Anne Lacaton, Frits van Dongen, Hrvoje Njiric, Juan Herreros, Jacob van Rijs, Alejandro Aravena, Andrea Deplazes, Max Risselada or Wiel Arets, who are regular workshop leaders. It is the interaction between teachers and participants that generates the greatest results and production each year.

Participants will develop their design skills through an intensive series of workshops and complete their theoretical knowledge in specialty seminars. The Master of Advanced Studies in Collective Housing is keen on teamwork because it is the way offices and research labs function today.
Professional Perspectives
The main goal is the job placement of specialist professionals who can address global problems and take on important roles in architecture offices, urban and landscape planning or make contributions in fields such as environmental science, emergency housing or architecture critique.
Program Structure
The programme is structured in one-week workshops, where participants will develop their design skills and specialties, and complement their theoretical knowledge. The workshops are as follows: Housing Architecture, Construction and Technology, Business Management and International Activity, Residential Urban Design, Energy and Sustainability, Housing Theory, Low- cost and Emergency Housing, Sociology, Economy and Politics and City Sciences.
There are also planned trips and guided tours, where buildings and housing-related institutions and universities will be visited with architects and/or experts. All workshops and specialties are mandatory in order to receive the MAS UPM / ETH in Collective Housing Diploma.
Target Group
Architects from all nations willing to increase their knowledge and research in collective housing and high density cities, and able to demonstrate good skills developing projects in the time given, are invited to participate in our selection process.
The course is intended for qualified architects who have completed their master’s degree or equal level certificate. Two years of professional experience and evidence of detailed engagement with housing issues is advantageous.
Required Language Skills
The official language is English, therefore participants must be able to communicate in this language. English: C1
Responsible Body
University Leader: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM). Chair of the Design Studio Department, Dr. José Maria de Lapuerta, Co-Director MCH
Alliance partner: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH), Department of Architecture (DARCH), Professur Deplazes. Chair for Architecture and Construction, Prof. Andrea Deplazes, Co-Director MCH

Programme Duration
January to July, seven months, full-time, 600 hours, 60 ETCS credits. During this time, a full-time dedication is strongly recommended in order to develop and complete practical work.
Location / Workspace
The MAS UPM / ETH in Collective Housing takes place in Madrid at the Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura. The Universidad Politecnica of Madrid, supported by its prestige and experience, offers a unique working space and the necessary infrastructure.
Tuition Fee: 16,900 € up to 20th June 2016, after this date 17,900 €
The price of the study trip and the LEED Certificate (Core Concepts & Strategies, recognized by US. Green Building Council) are included in the tuition fee.
Master of Advanced Studies with the title "MAS UPM / ETH in Collective Housing" (MAS UPM / ETH CH)
The admission process is until December 31, 2016, or until vacancies are filled. Candidates have to follow a three-step process:
- Fill in the online application form.
- Send a CV and a portfolio with a sample of best academic and professional projects, and research. Also a motivation letter and two recommendation letters. The portfolio must be sent digitally for on-screen visualization. Technical and graphic skills, group work and other achievements are considered.
- The applicant will be called for a personal interview with a member of the Academic Committee.
After the profile is evaluated by the academic committee, the candidate receives an email with the result of the deliberation. If positive, the candidate will have to pay the reservation fee (30% of the total) and complete the payment (70% of the total) before the beginning of the corresponding edition.
Information / Registration
- Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, ETSAM, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM
- Avda. Juan Herrera 4. 28040, Madrid. Spain
- Phones: +34 913 364 222, Email: info@mchmaster.com
- Programme website: www.mchmaster.com
Application Period Open
The next edition of our cross-cutting postgraduate program is about to start in just seven months. It is open for engineers, architects, economists and professional profiles that demonstrate a relation with the city development and are interested in becoming highly qualified professionals, able to understand and manage the multidimensional nature of the city.

The MCS official language is English, therefore students must be able to communicate fluently in this language. The aim of the different research areas is to cover a wide range of city issues: attendants will have to combine theoretical subjects with practical work, project deadlines and diverse teaching methods. MCS keeps its right to make changes in the program in order to be always at the top of the innovation in cities.
Programme Duration
The MCS starts in October 2016 and spans until July 2017 in executive-time (Thursday and Friday from 16:00 to 21:00 and Saturday from 09:00 to 14:00). The Master’s final thesis project must be handed in September. MCS is 60 ETCS credits. There will be a daily control of attendance. MCS will follow a strict policy regarding attendance, course withdrawal and inappropriate behavior.
The MCS takes place in Madrid at the Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura. The Universidad Politecnica of Madrid, supported by its prestige and experience, offers a unique working space and the necessary infrastructure.

MCS Core Values Are:
- City and specially Smart City is a growing business. It is one of the hottest topics in the market now and in the future. Currently, more and more enterprises are working on urban business development.
- Improving our students' careers. We teach new business opportunities and new management tools and methodologies to work in cities.
- Networking. MCS is based on 10 modules. A recognized expert coordinates each module. They develop module structures taking into account fresh topics and invite the most important lecturers worldwide in both research (Harvard, Oxford, MIT,...) and enterprises (Telefonica, Gas Natural Unión Fenosa, ARUP,..) to build an expert community around the MCS.
Tuition Fee: 16'400 €. It includes Madrid and national field trips.
Registration Period
The Registration Period ends when vacancies are filled. In the Admission Process candidates have to follow a four-step process to apply:
- Fill in the online application form including a motivation letter, a CV and two recommendation letters.
- MCS First Committee meeting. MCS committee applicants assessment based on application information. If successful, the candidate will be invited for an interview within 15 days after applying.
- Personal interview. One member of the Committee will attend the interview. This interview is not only for us to evaluate your candidature, but also for you to get to know us better and ask any questions you may have.
- MCS Second Committee meeting. MCS committee applicants’ assessment. The MCS interviewer will support the candidate application in front of the rest of the Committee. If the applicant is accepted, he/she will receive a letter within 15 days after the interview.
Information / Registration
- Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, ETSAM / Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM
- Avda. Juan Herrera 4. 28040, Madrid. España
- Phone: +34 913 364 222, Email: info@citysciences.com
- Programme website: citysciences.com
MCS arranges an International Conference on City Sciences in a Venture University. Tongji University in Shanghai, China, held the ICCS 2015 and ICCS 2016 will take place at Universidad del Desarrollo in Santiago de Chile, Chile on the 16th and 17th of June. Telefonica Chile and Corfo sponsorize the conference.
After the successful ICCS 2015 at Shanghai with more than 50 papers accepted from open call and more than 150 participants, this new edition of the ICCS is taking place in Santiago de Chile, a modern city that combines both Latin American and European influences to create a unique and welcoming environment against the background of the Andean range. In this wonderful setting the International Conference on City Sciences brings together academics, policy makers, industry analysts, providers and practitioners to present and discuss their findings.
Learn more at the links below: