Since the mid-20th century, Japan's postwar capitalism promoted home ownership, and extensive residential areas were developed around every major city for 70 years. Each area is an aggregation of individual houses – in other words an aggregation of different architectural characteristics and a mixture of residents with their own personalities.
Among the photographs of house exteriors published in the issues of Shinkenchiku and Jutakutokushu since 2001, we selected those that show the relationship between the home and its surroundings. In this issue, we feature the images with an analysis of what "Compositional Factor" of what "Element" has undergone what kind of "Manipulation".
1 Editorial
12 Houses and the Neighborhoods
16 No.01|Volume×Form & Texture×Mediate
18 No.02|Volume ×Size×Mediate
20 No.03|Volume × Form × Repeat
22 No.04|Volume & Garden ×Combination×Continue
24 No.05|Volume ×Size×Approximate
26 No.06|Volume× Combination ×Approximate
28 No.07|Volume ×Segmentation×Exaggerate
30 Essay 01: The Commonality of Architecture Yoshiharu Tsukamoto
32 No.08|Facade ×Form×Approximate
34 No.09|Facade ×Combination×Approximate
36 No.10|Facade ×Combination×Approximate
38 No.11|Facade ×Combination×Approximate
40 No.12|Roof ×Form×Continue
41 No.13|Window×Height×Continue
42 No.14|Roof & Parking×Combination×Continue
44 No.15|Facade×Segmentation×Approximate
45 No.16|Facade×Depth×Approximate
46 No.17|Facade×Depth×Approximate
48 No.18|Facade×Combination×Approximate
49 No.19|Balcony×Form×Mediate
50 No.20|Balcony×Position×Continue
52 No.21|Facade×Combination×Repeat
54 No.22|Facade×Texture×Approximate
56 No.23|Facade×Combination×Continue
58 Essay 02:The Residential District as a Soft, Yeilding Soil Kumiko Inui
60 No.24|Roof×Position×Exaggerate
62 No.25|Roof × Direction & Form×Mediate
64 No.26|Roof ×Height×Continue
66 No.27|Roof ×Pitch×Approximate
68 No.28|Roof & Balcony ×Combination×Continue
70 No.29|Roof ×Pitch & Texture×Approximate
72 No.30|Roof ×Segmentation×Approximate
74 No.31|Roof ×Segmentation×Arrange
76 No.32|Roof ×Segmentation×Arrange
78 No.33|Roof ×Segmentation×Arrange
80 Essay 03: The Non-Ruins Learning from an Anti-Aiging Landscape Yasutaka Yoshimura
82 No.34|Eave & Window×Position ×Continue
84 No.35|Eave & Roof×Position×Mediate
86 No.36|Window×Position×Mediate
88 No.37|Window×Combination×Approximate
90 No.38|Parking×Color & Height×Continue
92 No.39|Eave×Pitch×Approximate
94 No.40|Canopy ×Height×Continue
96 No.41|Canopy ×Function×Afford
98 No.42|Fence ×Height×Continue
100 No.43|Wall ×Position×Continue
102 Essay 04: The “Local” and “Locus” of Residential Areas Go Hasegawa
104 No.44|Wall & Window×Color×Approximate
106 No.45|Wall ×Color×Approximate
108 No.46|Facade×Texture×Continue
109 No.47|Facade×Texture×Approximate
110 No.48|Wall×Texture×Approximate
112 No.49|Wall×Texture×Approximate
114 No.50|Wall×Texture×Approximate
116 No.51|Wall×Joint×Approximate
118 No.52|Approach×Pitch×Continue
120 Data

128 Pages / 297mm x 226mm / English/Japanese