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JingRong Zhong: The Latest Architecture and News

Europan 11 Proposal: Science Park / YanKang Wang, ShuYan Wang, Yuan Lin, JingRong Zhong

Europan 11 Proposal: Science Park / YanKang Wang, ShuYan Wang, Yuan Lin, JingRong Zhong  - Image 6 of 4

The Europan 11 proposal for the science park in Ingolstadt, Germany received an honorable mention in the competition. Dominated by technology and science, the intent of YanKang Wang, ShuYan Wang, Yuan Lin, and JingRong Zhong is to create a fresh urban development concept for this city, which is based on the cooperation of industry and academia. Under the theme of innovative living and working, environmentally friendly technology and renewable energy will be applied by creating a new settlement model. However, in this way the city inhabitants will be initiated simultaneously how to live in a future way with the existing resources. More images and architects’ description after the break.