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Works of India

Works of India is an archive of drawings, sketches, artefacts, models, tools and pictures collected and made during two and a half years of life and work. The collection arises as necessity to document the relation between human, natural and built landscape to portray a frame for a way of life in India.

The selected material articulates in six environments which reflects upon the relation between man and nature, god and matter, a certain sacrality which is embedded during the act of creation and a sort of deep rooted understanding in the way of making and building.

AD Classics: Säynätsalo Town Hall / Alvar Aalto

Occupying the center of a small farming town in Finland, Säynätsalo’s Town Hall might appear almost too monumental for its context. Designed by Alvar Aalto in 1949, the town hall is a study in opposition: elements of classicism and the monumental blended with modernity and intimacy to form a cohesive new center-point for the community. These and other aspects of the design initially proved somewhat divisive, and the Town Hall has not been without controversy since its inception.

AD Classics: Säynätsalo Town Hall / Alvar Aalto - Retail , Facade, Door, Beam, Handrail, Lighting, Chair, TableAD Classics: Säynätsalo Town Hall / Alvar Aalto - Retail , Garden, Stairs, FacadeAD Classics: Säynätsalo Town Hall / Alvar Aalto - Retail , BeamAD Classics: Säynätsalo Town Hall / Alvar Aalto - Retail , FacadeAD Classics: Säynätsalo Town Hall / Alvar Aalto - More Images+ 8