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  2. GVNM Arquitetos

GVNM Arquitetos: The Latest Architecture and News

Disaster Prevention and Education Center / GVNM Arquitetos

Disaster Prevention and Education Center / GVNM Arquitetos - Image 5 of 4
Courtesy of GVNM Arquitetos

The construction of the Istanbul Disaster Prevention and Education Center in the Bakırköy district offers the possibility of redefining the territory in this area of the city. It is the perspective of GVNM Arquitetos that they should not extend the logic of the surroundings, with high independent buildings that do not establish relations between each other and do not create an urban fabric. Therefore, with the intent of consolidating the existing fabric and to depart from the image of the nearby constructions, their aim is to create a space and a building truly unique and singular, closer to a natural construction than of an urban structure. More images and architects’ description after the break.