ArchDaily Team


"Scenes From The Near Future": An Exhibition That Explores the Future of Houses

One hundred years ago, design and architecture professionals of the Bauhaus and the modern movement broke with the traditional concept of housing, proposing new ways of building, distributing its spaces and furnishing it. Although many of their aesthetic and constructive approaches have had a great impact and development in the field of design since then, society, however, has gone at a different speed when it comes to adopting certain models of domestic space to which these movements opened the door. Since then, housing has been in constant revision, reformulation and even experimentation, having had a profound interest in design for most of the most important design and architecture professionals of the twentieth century, and so far in the twenty-first.

Jean Mah, Ole Scheeren and Ana Pinto da Silva Join Line-up of Speakers at World Architecture Festival 2022 in Lisbon

Ana Pinto da Silva, Co-Founder & CEO at Minka Homes & Communities, will give the closing keynote address at the World Architecture Festival (WAF) in Lisbon on Friday 2 December 2022. She will follow a stellar line-up of the industry’s most influential figures shaping the global architecture agenda over the three-day event, including Ole Scheeren, Christina Seilern and Reinier de Graaf. The festival runs from 30 November to 2 December.

Over 50 Buildings Will Be Part of Open House Valencia 2022

Between October 22nd and 23rd, Open House Valencia opens the doors of more than 50 emblematic buildings in the city, which you can learn about from the hand of their own architects and our volunteer guides. 48 hours of open doors where we will delve into historical and contemporary works of Valencia.