Carlos Alberto Martínez Valencia


Houses in Colombia: Shade, Ventilation, and Nature

For houses throughout the world, the barriers between the inside and outside of houses are solid and well-defined, allowing the spaces within the home to be protected from the weather conditions outside and made comfortable for the inhabitants inside. In countries like Colombia, which sit close to the equator and enjoy a warm, subtropical climate, temperatures average just above ideal thermal comfort.

Volcanes House / Martínez Arquitectos + Fiallo Atelier

Volcanes House / Martínez Arquitectos + Fiallo Atelier - Exterior Photography, Renovation, GardenVolcanes House / Martínez Arquitectos + Fiallo Atelier - Exterior Photography, RenovationVolcanes House / Martínez Arquitectos + Fiallo Atelier - Interior Photography, RenovationVolcanes House / Martínez Arquitectos + Fiallo Atelier - Interior Photography, RenovationVolcanes House / Martínez Arquitectos + Fiallo Atelier - More Images+ 20

  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  252
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2019
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  AutoDesk, Adobe Systems Incorporated, Corona, Paramo Griferias, Trimble Navigation