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To catalyse ideas, people, creativity and research: these are the values that have always guided us.
It is important for us to place a vision of the future at the centre of the project, together with culture and just a touch of irony.
Much of our furniture has been designed by famous authors and young talents. Three-time winners of the Compasso d'Oro Award, they are now exhibited in more than fifty international museums. This has made us one of the most representative brands of Italian design.
Our furniture delicately interacts with spaces, entering into a relationship with people, each time telling a different story and thus becoming the expression of a personal lifestyle.
The objects are the protagonists of everyday life: each a manifestation of their own personality, an interpreter of their own time, between comfort, ergonomics, shape and form research, sustainability, flexibility and functionality.
With a multifaceted and plural attitude, our products cross generations and connect people, uniting past and future.
This philosophy is the true legacy of Aurelio Zanotta, who in 1954 started a new visionary and intuitive path. Creator and spokesperson of a new way of doing business, he was a supporter of the beauty and simplicity of products designed for longevity.
Still to this day at Zanotta we value the voice of objects, the story they tell in their relationship with people and spaces. Zanotta is the representation of products on the stage of life.


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