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Van Doorn lighting Catalog

Van Doorn has been offering lighting solutions since 1937. The first few years we produced decorative luminaires, chandeliers, table lamps and desk lamps for home and office. We were a metal processing factory where products were sprayed and assembled entirely in-house. In 1955, our family business had expanded considerably and moved into a then super modern building that was designed with its employees' well being in mind. The large floor to ceiling windows made it a very pleasant, brightly lit working environment. It was at this location that Van Doorn Lighting gradually progressed from a manufacturer of decorative interior lighting products and incandescent bulbs to a manufacturer of neon light tubes for utility projects. The modern Van Doorn was born. After another move to new premises in 2009, the company was given a new impulse. The flexibility of our equipment, our employees' expertise and our creative and practically oriented innovative power has allowed us to play an important part in many projects.


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