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Ramacieri Soligo Catalog

For many years, Ramacieri Soligo has been known as a prestigious jewel in Montreal's design industry. With over eighty years of combined experience, the company is the result of an association between two multi-generational family businesses, each renowned in the field of tile and fine plumbing.

Located in Outremont, the showroom has maintained its boutique style despite its size being over 14,000 sqft. The unique space is designed to showcase over 5,000 products meeting most of sought-after trendy expectations.

The company also has a commercial business division dedicated to innovation and excellence, providing exemplary service to architects, designers, developers and contractors requiring specialized and custom assistance for all their projects’ final honing touch.

We would love to visit you in the comfort of your office or welcome you in ours at your best timed convenience.


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  • Link your brand to more than 40,000 architecture projects.
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