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Persiana Barcelona Catalog

Following the proposal "De dins a fora" awarded by the RACONS PÚBLICS 2009 contest, with which the Fad invited to devise small interventions to improve some of the forgotten spaces of the city, Persiana Barcelona emerges today. The idea was simple: replace the unfortunate plastics on the balconies of Malnom and Picalquers del Raval streets, with traditional rope blinds that, at the same time, also protected from water. The comfort and ventilation of the houses would be recovered, and with them, the appearance of the facades. From a simple idea for a specific place and problem, a product is born that, as a final objective, aims to solve an urban problem that extends beyond the scope of the Barcelona Raval. Take care of the details, the materials, recover the colors of the city and in short, Improving the quality of an element that has been protecting the holes in the facades of our country for more than a century, are the arguments with which we present ourselves. Persiana Barcelona is committed to craftsmanship and the value of handwork, to rethink the rope blind as a sustainable product that is, attractive, current and modern. Pau Sarquella and Diana Usón, Arquitectes


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