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Isomat Product Catalog

ISOMAT is a producer of building chemicals and mortars with a multinational perspective. It was founded in 1980 and it is currently one of the most important industries of building materials in South-East Europe, with 3 production plants in Greece, Romania and Serbia, 7 subsidiaries in Germany, Russia, Turkey, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria and Slovenia, and export sales in more than 55 countries in the world.

The company produces and distributes a wide range of products summarized in the following 6 product categories:

1. Waterproofing Materials
2. Paints & Renders
3. Tile Adhesives & Grouts
4. Repairing Materials
5. Admixtures
6. Floorings

ISOMAT is committed to innovation and to the constant development of new products. To this end, the company owns a fully organised R&D department, equipped with specialized scientific personnel working in 5 different chemistry labs, where new products are developed every year in keeping up with the changing market needs and with the latest technological developments in the building sector.


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