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OUTLINE Windows is one of Denmark's leading manufacturers of energy-optimized windows and doors in wood and wood / aluminum for all types of housing. All products are based on quality craftsmanship, which is designed, developed and manufactured in Denmark. Windows and doors are tailored to the customer's wishes and needs and are delivered with the market's fastest delivery time of up to four days. OUTLINE's products are sold through timber and building markets across the country to both professional and private customers. Our goal is for OUTLINE Windows to be the wood's favorite supplier and partner. PART OF THE INWIDO GROUP Outline Vinduer was founded in 1989 and is a Danish window fire with production, development and management in Farsø. Outline has 260 employees and since 2005 has been part of the listed Inwido, Europe's largest window group and a natural home for the region's strongest companies in terms of comfort, indoor climate and security. In 2018, Inwido had sales of SEK 6.7 billion and had an operational EBITA margin of 9.9%. Inwido employs approx. 4,500 employees and have companies in Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Romania, UK, Sweden, Germany and Austria.


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