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Catalano Catalog

Catalano was founded in 1967 and it is today the most important Italian manufacturer of sanitary-ware ceramic items and leading exporter of Made in Italy products all over the world, exporting in more than 100 countries worldwide.
Our 40-years history allowed us to develop a highly specialized know-how, in constant evolution.
The production philosophy of the company has always been addressed to achieve a inimitable quality, guaranteed by a 100% Italian-made origin. Each product is designed and manufactured in the 150,000 sqm factory located in Fabrica di Roma, Italy. Catalano’s items represent the perfect matching of ultimate technology, performance, design and functionality. Our slogan “Think Green” is the cornerstone for all design choices and processes in the company. Of course the Catalano’s research never stops; we are always engaged in trying to outdo ourselves and producing more and more technology products, comfortable and with outstanding performance, with a production process aimed to save energy and protect the environment.


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