Rene Submissions


Free Workshop: Sustainability in Architecture by Architerrax

Sustainability in architecture addresses the negative environmental and social impacts of buildings by utilizing design methods, materials, energy, and development spaces that are not detrimental to the surrounding ecosystem or communities. The philosophy is to ensure that the actions taken today do not have a negative consequence for future generations and comply with the principles of social, economic, and ecological sustainability.

Cartographies of the Imagination

Cartographies of the Imagination is a month-long
experimental drawing festival held in the RIBA award-winning
Omved Gardens and Glasshouse in Highgate. The otherworldly
setting forms the inspiration for a series of conversations,
workshops, feasts and a growing exhibition exploring the world
of drawing between the real and the imagined.

M.ARCH SHOW 2021: Intersections

The NUS M.Arch Show 2021 showcases the thesis projects of the graduating Master of Architecture students from the National University of Singapore; a collection of bold questions and propositions displaying the expertise obtained in architectural education. A year-long undertaking, the thesis is an arduous yet joyful journey, where conversations, critiques and references gently nudge students towards certain contemporary and relevant trajectories, organically converging into communities of practice where the works collectively resonate with one another. Convergence occurs along five discursive threads, which form the five clusters of the show: “Critical Architecture”, “History & Heritage”, “Sociopolitics & Geopolitics”, “Technologies” and “Urbanism & Environments”. Each cluster is uniquely positioned to probe the limits of the discipline, and to respond to the demands of wider society.

Virtual Tour Series on Game Changers

From 1 until 15 July, Guiding Architects invites you on a virtual trip to no less than eight cities all over the world.

Christina Kruse: Plasterheads

Helwaser Gallery is pleased to present the second solo exhibition of new works by artist Christina Kruse (b. 1976, Germany). "Christina Kruse: Plasterheads" will be on view through July 30th, 2021 at the gallery’s Madison Avenue space, and will introduce the artist’s latest sculpture works. Over the last decade, the artist has developed a distinct visual language within her practice. Often resembling abstracted human figures, her sculptures are defined by a combination of organic, rounded shapes offset by strong rectilinear forms.

For this exhibition, Kruse has developed a large-scale installation which will be displayed in the first room of the gallery. Displayed on a collapsible table, the installation is likened to a miniature world, where multiple figure-like maquettes are scattered across various miniature architectural elements. Rendered in different positions and poses, the maquettes resemble human figures caught in various acts: climbing in and out of the structure, looking up or down, in search for something. Yet, the figurines don’t interact with each other. Described as a metaphorical playground of the inner psyches, Lunapark (2021) attests to the artist’s interest in the deeper psychological states that motivate and shape the world that their human counterparts inhabit. For Kruse, each of the elements within the entire installation, including its materials, serve as a deeper metaphor that expresses the structure of the world that we inhabit. By choosing to use plaster and soapstone as primary materials to construct the maquettes, both of which are easily shaped, Kruse highlights the very malleability of human nature itself. Set against the infinite expanse of the table construction, these maquettes seemingly capture the endless permutations of behavior that result when they are connected by space and time.

Neuro-architecture to promote well-being

Neuro-architecture transmits knowledge and technologies from the field of neuroscience into the professions of spatial design, aimed to get better informed design solutions to promote human and non-human well-being in our public spaces. We kick off with the key-findings of our 2-year research project Sensing Streetscapes, followed by a roundtable exploration with the global pioneers from Neuro-architecture. What is the state of affairs and what is the potential of this approach to push improved sustainable well-being, especially in the newly built high density urban settings?


Competition website:

A Building’s Essence 001 - Education

The Architect profession demands that we master many skills, and knowing how to communicate architectural spaces through drawings and images is a crucial one.

SESAM Poliklinika 2021 | Participants Call

This summer, around 100 architecture students and young professionals from Europe (and beyond) will come to Slavutych, Northern Ukraine, to participate in SESAM 2021 - Poliklinika. After postponing the event for a year due to the global pandemic, and putting in place a series of Covid-compliant measures to ensure the safety of everyone involved, the event will take place over three separate cycles with a reduced number of participants.

The dates for the new cycles are:
2-10 August 2021 / 12-20 August 2021 / 22-30 August 2021.

Call for Entries: The best conceptual project for regeneration and development of the floodplain and adjacent areas of the Sviyaga River in Ulyanovsk

The aim of the contest is to obtain architectural and urban planning ideas that meet the requirements of the competition program.
The main task of the contestants is to offer original conceptual solution, demonstrating modern, innovative approach to the integrated development of the coastal areas of Ulyanovsk with the elements of public and tourist infrastructure.
Creating an ecologically integral and comfortable environment, a "recreational center" of the city, places of attraction for people to relax against the backdrop of nature.

Open Call: Autodesk Revit Workshop

This workshop will take you from a beginner to an intermediate level where you can easily design your projects on Revit. Ar. Ayman teaches in a continuous, step-by-step manner and covers all the topics mentioned below in a very easy to understand manner.

Call for Architecture Drawings 2021 : Entelechia

Entelechia is a contest that focuses its attention on graphic research in Architecture, through reflections and themes that emerge from the life and work of the great Florentine poet.

The Alexander Thomson Scholarship 2021: Narratives of Isolation

The Glasgow Institute of Architects, as Trustees of the Alexander ‘Greek’ Thomson Scholarship, are pleased to announce the launch of the Alexander Thomson scholarship 2021, Narratives of Isolation.

Architecture at Zero is a design competition for decarbonization, equity and resilience.

Architecture at Zero is a design competition for decarbonization, equity and resilience, open to students and professionals worldwide. It serves to engage the fields of architecture, design, engineering and planning in the pursuit of sustainable design.

Young European Architects

CA’ASI exhibits Young European Architects, one of the collateral events of the 17th Biennale Architettura from May 22nd to November 21st, 2021.

New Generations Festival: New Urban Challenges 2021

The New Generations Festival is an annual event that brings together emerging architecture practices and professionals from various fields, creating a space for the contemplation and analysis of the architecture profession. Titled “New Urban Challenges”, the festival will take place this June 30th, July 1st & 2nd at the Royal Academy of Spain in Rome, in a hybrid format with a combination of virtual and public events.

2021 UK Passivhaus Awards Ceremony

The Oscars for building performance once again return! Much has changed since the previous UK Passivhaus Awards ceremony in 2018 – notably the declaration of a Climate Emergency and a sharpened awareness of the complexity, scale, and speed at which we need to act.

City: Details

City: Details: The Moscow International Exhibition of Design Solutions for Megacities