Sukkah x Detroit celebrates the Jewish harvest festival of Sukkot in Detroit’s Capitol Park through design, agriculture, and Jewish programming. Detroit, home to 1300 urban farms, is the only UNESCO City of Design in the United States. Sukkah x Detroit honors both.
The week-long celebration will take place on September 23-30, 2018, as part of Detroit’s Month of Design. Throughout the week, 5-7 sukkahs, selected through an international design competition, will be on display in Detroit's historic Capitol Park, accompanied by complementary programs and events to be announced.
The Design Competition
The competition is open to all: architects, artists, makers, builders, design professionals, and others. No professional qualification is required. Design proposals can be developed individually or by teams (Max 4 team members). Winning teams will receive a $10,000 materials/construction budget and $5,000 design stipend. Submissions will be exhibited at the Isaac Agree Downtown Synagogue and Eastern Market After Dark.
For more information, including RFP and application instructions, visit https://www.downtownsynagogue.org/sukkah-x-detroit
Download the information related to this competition here.
Open Call: Sukkah x DetroitType
Competition Announcement (Built Projects & Masterplans)Website
Isaac Agree Downtown SynagogueRegistration Deadline
June 25, 2018 10:48 AMSubmission Deadline
June 25, 2018 10:48 AMVenue
Detroit, MIPrice