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International: The Latest Architecture and News

Cinema Box - Designing a platform for film exhibition

A room of audience erupts into a fit of giggles as a comical tramp with a short mustache, wearing a suit and tall hat slips on a banana peel. The couple embrace as the man makes her stand on the railing of the ship, grabs her arms and extends them out. "I'm flying" she says, as people swoon in unison over their romantic harmony and impending tragedy.

Cinema is one of the biggest cultural activities in the world. An art form with biggest influence, budget and widespread connectivity. Inducing emotions and crafting perspective, as it grows to be a visual medium

BookMark - A Compact Library Run by the Community

Digital utopia has resulted in a drastic decline in reading culture, as a result public library are at a critical juncture. Due to excessive use of internet and digital devices the number of readers is drastically declining in public libraries. it's not just reading culture that is at stake, as the readers play a more active and involved role in the community, the decline in reading population parallels with a greater retreat from participation in civic, culture and social life.


Libraries have existed since the time people have been keeping records, they are not just a place that is an ocean

Parasitic Architecture - Not all parasites are predators.

Today, 55% of the world’s population lives in urban areas, a proportion that is expected to increase to 68% by 2050. Projections show that urbanization combined with the overall growth of the world’s population could add another 2.5 billion people to urban areas by 2050.
Living in these densely urbanized pockets is not just ridiculously expensive, but also substandard for average and low economic groups. Moreover, the cost of living increases so rapidly that being at the same pace with it becomes almost impossible for most households, resulting in an abysmal quality of life.

A possible solution can be to smartly increase

Opera Truck - A Street Artist’s Portable Opera House

Art is a repository of a society’s collective memory; it tends to preserve what historical facts cannot. It is a form of representation of culture and tradition in most lucid form and acts as a visual language that speaks to all. It has become a chronicle that has created different identities for itself, namely, visual, performing, and written. Art’s transition from utilitarian purposes and aesthetics into work of expression happened hundreds of years after its birth. Where is it now?
Art is the fundamental form of representation yet it is unnoticed, at the comfort of our screens there is a visual

School Of Thought - School that redefines learning


Education is a form of absorbing and inculcating knowledge, of which learning is an integral part. Over the years, education has evolved into a system and has been organized and re-written innumerable times to a point where it has now it is majorly constrained to classroom teaching focused on academic learning.

The idea of hands-on experience and vocational training is still not a vital part of the curriculum for the majority of the schools and educational systems around the world. The ability of self-learning and creative thinking are automatically curbed due to this method of teaching, making education, not at

Tokyo Dojo - Uniting People through Sports


Sports is the cry of triumph, the tears of joy, the beating of chest when your team loses in nail biting crusade. Gathering up on streets in front of a TV, listening to the radio broadcast in a remote village or watching with your friends on a 52-inch screen - the euphoria with which the whole country cheers is unparalleled. A community lives its best experience when everyone is interacting under the same roof. And sports have the potential to provide such a platform.

Unfortunately, a dense city fabric, work-life and technology has changed viewing patterns. An in-person experience has taken

Tutor Call for MEDS Silesia 2020

The 11th edition of MEDS Workshop will be held in the industrial region of Poland - Silesia. Based mainly in Tychy it will take the advantage of the Upper Silesian Urban Area’s diversity challenging the participants to face different projects in different cities such as Katowice and Dąbrowa Górnicza.

The theme of the edition “Revival” explores the urban and architectural context of Silesia as a space of mines, forges and factories that contributes to a specific regional identity. Both of those paradigms - industrial context and the identity - are an opportunity to reflect upon the issue of transformation. The

The Dwelling 2100



Dwelling (A House) remains the place where we all spent most of the time of our lives and experience architecture, learn connect to it through emotions. A dwelling represents our culture our backgrounds, ownership, safety. A dwelling is a place we all want to return where everyone finds comfort, despite how chaotic our lives are.

From the caves of the beginning of civilisation to the smart homes, we are improving the quality of our dwelling’s day by day with the development of various technologies, innovations in artificial intelligence and changes we are

No Man's Land - Architecture on the Borders


A humanitarian crisis has taken place along the borders of US-Mexico. In May 2019, around 19000 people were waiting in Mexico to seek asylum in the United States.

From men crossing over to the States for employment in 2000, to families seeking refuge in 2014 for a better livelihood, there has been a tectonic shift along the borders of US-Mexico. This led to ‘American Immigration Crisis’ in 2014, following which a crackdown implemented by the Trump government. With ‘Zero Tolerance Policy’ in 2018 and ‘Metering’ in 2019, the total border crossings have been constant but the no. of people seeking

Hourglass - Time's Running Out


After 200-300,000 years of our presence on the planet, we have evolved and raced ahead of other species in no time. In an inevitable evolution to survive and thrive, humans (homo sapiens) have come to the age of advanced technology and lifestyle. In this trail of the progress we have caused the past century’s warming of the earth, by releasing gases that trap heat energy in the atmosphere. These gases, known as greenhouse gases are now at their highest levels than they have been in the past 800,000 years. These greenhouse gases cause a rise in the Earth’s overall temperature

Salut Paris - Reclaiming the Urban Voids of Paris


Paris, the capital of France has been inhabited since the beginning of 3rd Century BC along the banks of river Seine. It started as the hub of trading center which eventually led to its growth as a metropolis.
By mid-18th Century, it became densely populated with a cityscape that had not changed since the middle ages. Napoleon III hired Hausmann for one of the largest urban transformations. Consequently, he built the first transport network encircling Paris, transforming it from a medieval town to an industrial center of 19th Century.

This railway network, known as Petite Ceinture, initially

The Chef's Palette - Because Food is an Experience


With globalisation, the way food is made available to us has transformed enormously. Fine dines of the world to QSRs of the world, food has evolved extensively. Fine dines continue to refine their cuisine and QSRs have become more commercial. Additionally, food trucks and delivery services are gaining more popularity everyday. It is a resource-intensive industry and all these ways have revolutionised the interaction between the chef and the consumer.

Apart from these, there also exist small food joints that are not commercial. Yet, these eateries continue to remain the heart and soul for serving good quality local cuisine or

Bauhaus Neue – Framing future of design education


There are moments in history when a confluence of ideas, people, and broader cultural and technological forces creates a spark. Sometimes the spark amounts to nothing more than a flicker. But if conditions are right, it can erupt into a dazzling, brilliant light that, while burning for only a brief moment, changes the world around it.

The Bauhaus was one of these – a place that despite the economic turmoil and cultural conservatism of the world around it, offered a truly radical, international and optimistic vision of the future. The origins of the Bauhaus lie in the late 19th century, in

Switching Prisons - Rethinking correctional facilities in context of tomorrow


The definition of crime is culturally subjective. This subjectivity used to help us define law and punishment in a more rational manner in the past. Today, this subjectivity placed against pacing time and increasing globalization is not easy to rationalize anymore.

We see this in many walks of life where assets like gold which used to be the driving force of an economy. Where trade and even countries were valued based on how much gold reserves they had in the past. In today’s context, trade depends on technology and the currency here is information. The millions of gigabytes of data that

Di - Generic Cities: Tokyo | Shanghai | Los Angeles


If skylines around the world are looking too much the same, is this because the new and important buildings are done by the big names (designers) from far away and not by the locals or the opposite is true? Not only skyscrapers but, museums, civic center, concert halls, bridges, libraries, opera houses all give cities part of their identity.

We Australia – Embracing Evolution through Architecture

To build a tourist village that helps visitors to learn about the history of human evolution which not only sensitizes, but spreads awareness about the changing relationship between nature, natives and the country of Australia.

Call for Submissions: National Pulse Memorial & Museum International Design Competition

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Design Challenge

On June 12, 2016, the largest and deadliest act of violence affecting LGBTQ+ people, and one of the deadliest terrorist attacks by a single gunman in modern American history occurred at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida. A total of 49 people’s lives were taken that night, 68 others were injured, and hundreds were left permanently affected by the trauma.

In the aftermath, the Orlando community and the world came together to prove that love will overcome fear and hatred. Under this banner, the onePULSE Foundation, an educational nonprofit, was created to memorialize this tragedy and ensure that Pulse’s legacy of love, acceptance, and hope will never be lost.

$100,000 RAIC International Prize for Transformative Architecture Now Accepting Submissions

The $100,000 RAIC International Prize for transformative architecture is inviting submissions for its third edition, the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) is pleased to announce.

This unique international award, formerly known as the Moriyama RAIC International Prize, recognizes the power of great architecture to transform society. In keeping with a focus on the social relevance of architecture, jurors will visit all finalist projects to see the buildings in use and appreciate their impact on society and human well-being.

The RAIC is accepting entries from architects anywhere in the world, of any nationality, until April 26, 2019. The buildings should be