RIBA Competition for Masai Mara Conservation Centre

An international open design competition for a new Conservation Centre at the Oloololo Gate, Masai Mara, Kenya, on behalf of Abercrombie and Kent Philanthropy - the philanthropic arm of travel company Abercrombie and Kent.

The Masai Mara Conservation Centre at Oloololo Gate of the Masai Mara National Reserve is envisioned as an innovative and engaging facility that aims to educate, inspire, and create awareness about conservation and the unique ecosystem of the Masai Mara.

This centre will provide visitors with interactive and exciting experiences while promoting sustainable tourism practices. The facility will include parking, essential amenities, an engaging exhibition space, interactive learning zones, a gift shop, and environmentally conscious design features.

The competition is open internationally to registered architects. Collaboration is encouraged between individuals and organisations of different size, expertise and experience.

This competition was submitted by an ArchDaily user. If you'd like to submit a competition, call for submissions or other architectural 'opportunity' please use our "Submit a Competition" form. The views expressed in announcements submitted by ArchDaily users do not necessarily reflect the views of ArchDaily.

Cite: "RIBA Competition for Masai Mara Conservation Centre" 16 May 2024. ArchDaily. Accessed . <https://www.archdaily.com/1016621/riba-competition-for-masai-mara-conservation-centre> ISSN 0719-8884

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