1. ArchDaily
  2. Zalahaláp

Zalahaláp: The Latest Architecture and News

Half of A House Pavilion / i/thee + RAWstudio

Half of A House Pavilion / i/thee + RAWstudio - Exterior Photography, Pavilion, Facade, BeamHalf of A House Pavilion / i/thee + RAWstudio - Exterior Photography, Pavilion, FacadeHalf of A House Pavilion / i/thee + RAWstudio - Exterior Photography, PavilionHalf of A House Pavilion / i/thee + RAWstudio - Interior Photography, Pavilion, Facade, Beam, ArchHalf of A House Pavilion / i/thee + RAWstudio - More Images+ 22

Zalahaláp, Hungary
  • Architects: RAWstudio, i/thee
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  130 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2023

Hello Wood Festival - Builder Summit

The Hello Wood Builder Summit is now open to applications for students and aspiring team leaders from around the world.