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Hotel Henry at the Richardson Olmsted Campus / TenBerke

Hotel Henry at the Richardson Olmsted Campus / TenBerke - Interior Photography, Extension, Door, Stairs, Facade, Arch, ColumnHotel Henry at the Richardson Olmsted Campus / TenBerke - Interior Photography, Extension, Stairs, Door, Column, ArchHotel Henry at the Richardson Olmsted Campus / TenBerke - ExtensionHotel Henry at the Richardson Olmsted Campus / TenBerke - Interior Photography, Extension, Stairs, Facade, HandrailHotel Henry at the Richardson Olmsted Campus / TenBerke - More Images+ 18

  • Architects: TenBerke
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  191000 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2017
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  AutoDesk, Armstrong Ceilings, Conley Caseworks, Durkan Carpet, East Coast Metal System, +6