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Pacific Woodtech Catalog

Pacific Woodtech Corporation (PWT) is located in Burlington, Washington. Founded in 1998 as a new company start-up, production began in June of 1999. PWT is a major producer of Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) and I-joists in the western United States.
Not only does PWT produce and distribute one of the strongest building materials in the industry - LVL - it is also owned by one of the largest, most dependable companies in the world - Itochu Corporation. Itochu started in textiles in 1858. It expanded into industries from chemicals to machinery, energy to finance, food to aerospace, and many others.

Pacific Woodtech started a revolution in marketing by becoming the premier manufacturer of private label Engineered Wood Products (EWP). Its private label customers stretch throughout North America, as well as overseas.


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