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Schréder Catalog

Schréder is the global identity of over 35 intensely local companies. We work with our partners to create practical, sustainable and beautiful lighting solutions tailored to locations from Rome's Coliseum to the Channel Tunnel. A family company, we've grown to employ 2,600 people worldwide, who share our passion for lighting up your world.

With a tradition of engineering, we've been at the forefront of innovation throughout our history. Jules Schréder started the business in 1907 when electric lighting was bringing the city into the 20th century, making streets safer and illuminating new factories.

New technologies bring change. And in the era of the LED, we developed products which go beyond the basics to show bridges, monuments and natural wonders in their best light. We worked with cities to bring an aesthetic refinement to outdoor lighting, using LEDs in locations as diverse as Brussels’ Grand Place and the historic centre of Cusco, Peru.

The latest wave of urbanism means city centres are becoming more vital than ever: connectivity is crucial.

Our infrastructure and innovative products empower us to bring data to the streets in the same way our founder brought light. Understanding the relationship of people to public space is at the heart of everything we do. With a new generation of the family involved, Schréder brings you expertise in lightability.


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  • Link your brand to more than 40,000 architecture projects.
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