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Mulvey & Banani Lighting Inc. Catalog

MBL is a seasoned, award winning lighting consultancy, a subsidiary of Mulvey & Banani International Inc. (MBII). MBL approaches the spatial experience to create drama, allow the nature of place to unfold and to provide a comfort level that will render space worth experiencing. Architectural themes and ideas are translated into lighting installations that are artful, sustainable and purposeful. Originally a division within MBII, the lighting group was launched in 2004 to address the growing need for devoted specialists to design, interpret and apply the quickly emerging lighting technologies and stringent energy codes. Vice President Paul Boken (BFA, IESNA) leads a team of dedicated, creative professionals with varied industry experience: architecture, interior design, theatre and live production all inspire the team’s design philosophy and approach. The team stays on the leading edge of lighting technology and design software tools through perpetual training, study and collaboration.


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