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Schmidt Catalog

Created in 1934 by Hubert Schmidt, our family business is located in Alsace, at the foot of the Vosges forest. Mr. Schmidt would probably be very proud to know that he is today the leading manufacturer of custom furniture in France, with 4 factories in France employing 1,500 people. Producing in France is a state of mind: the guarantee of irreproachable quality, constantly monitored ... the little French touch and more. 8 decades of experience: Customization can not be improvised: it's a question of experience and millimeter control. With all his years of practice, Schmidt is the only one to have generalized the true tailor-made at measured costs thanks to a unique digital process and the irreplaceable know-how of our teams. It's our exclusivity, it's your privilege, and now, it is no longer a luxury. A pioneer in its creation, the Schmidt family business has always been a step ahead. Today, our state-of-the-art, digital and connected industrial tool enables us to manufacture each unit individually, while keeping costs and deadlines under control. Your order is manufactured and assembled individually, with a rare degree of finish and customization. These are your furniture, designed by you with your consultant, manufactured by us with our experience. It's Schmidt, and it's unique! More than 130,000 pieces of furniture manufactured per year More than 600 kitchens a day while keeping control of costs and deadlines. Your order is manufactured and assembled individually, with a rare degree of finish and customization. These are your furniture, designed by you with your consultant, manufactured by us with our experience. It's Schmidt, and it's unique! More than 130,000 pieces of furniture manufactured per year More than 600 kitchens a day while keeping control of costs and deadlines. Your order is manufactured and assembled individually, with a rare degree of finish and customization. These are your furniture, designed by you with your consultant, manufactured by us with our experience. It's Schmidt, and it's unique! More than 130,000 pieces of furniture manufactured per year More than 600 kitchens a day.


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