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Milliken Catalog

Milliken & Company, Inc. manufactures and markets chemicals, floor coverings, fabrics, textiles, and composites. The company offers specialty chemical additives and colorants, polymer additives, polypropylene products, and clarifying agents; various colorants, including non-staining, water-soluble colorants for household cleaners, fugitive tints for textiles, reactive colorants for polyurethane and other thermoset resins, transparent colorants for polypropylene, turf application colorants and non-staining washable creative colorants for markers and other art products; and floor coverings for offices, hotels, airports, homes, and commercial environments. It also provides fabrics for athletic uniforms and ball caps, imagewear and workwear, collegiate garments, and shapewear, as well as performance athletic apparel and hunting apparel; fabrics for industrial applications, such as healthcare, hospitality, table linens, office interiors, labels, and more.


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