Archpolis, a non-profit organization for architects, designers, artists and the performing arts, has invited architects and planners to submit their qualifications for the first stage of a design competition in Nikola-Lenivets Park in the Kaluga Region of Russia. Fifteen finalists will be chosen for the second stage of the competition with the objective to provide a conceptual design of a residential complex for artist in residence, along with a master plan and zoning details for the surrounding area.
Continue after the break to learn more.
Contest stages:
Stage 1: May 28 – July 9, 2012
Application for participation in the contest. The applicants must attach a portfolio and an essay (no more than 1,000 words in MS Word format) explaining the potential participant`s interest in the development of Nikola-Lenivets project. Applicants might be contacted for further information or for interviews.
Portfolio assessment criteria:
- Experience in the development of small settlements and parks.
- Experience in application of eco-technology and work with natural materials.
- Experience in research and educational work related to study of art residences, ecological and agricultural tourist settlements.
- Publications.
Stage 2: July 9– July 16, 2012
The selection of fifteen finalists.
Festival “Archstoyanie” July 26-29, 2012
Exhibition of portfolios of the winners of the qualifying stage. Round Table.
Stage 3: July 17 – September 29, 2012
Development of concept, master plan and schematic design.
Work sessions:
- August 1, 2012
- September 1, 2012
Stage 4: September 29 – October 10, 2012
- Jury Deliberation and selection of winners.
Prize fund
Prize money for selected participants of the competition: RUB 100,000. Prize pool for winner of the fourth stage:
- First place: RUB 500,000
- Second place: RUB 400,000
- Third place: RUB 300,000
Organizers have the right to use publication materials sent by the participants and reserve copyright. The members of the jury will be announced in the near future.
Check out the details here on the official website.
via Bustler