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  2. Rudolf Olgiati

Rudolf Olgiati: The Latest Architecture and News

The Language of Architecture at Eindhoven University of Technology: Exploring Rudolf Olgiati's Work

The Language of Architecture at Eindhoven University of Technology: Exploring Rudolf Olgiati's Work - Image 12 of 4
On Rudolph Olgiati via Eindhoven University of Technology, Courtesy of Jan Schevers

Delicately crafted models by twelve students at Eindhoven University of Technologywill be the feature of an exhibit on Rudolf Olgiati called Die Sprache der Architektur (The Language of Architect). Oligiati was a Swiss Architect of the mid-20th century whose work has been attributed to the New Objectivist Movement. His work, which largely featured single family homes, brought a modernist aesthetic to the tradition of the mountainous Grisons of eastern Switzerland.

More on this exhibit after the break.